France Student Visa

France PHD General


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France PHD General

About visa :

France delivers inexpensive quality education to students all over the world, being the fourth most popular destination for international students. Higher education in France is divided between grandes ecoles and public universities. Admission to grandes ecoles requires a high school diploma + 2 years of additional high school studies. Master programme specializations offered in the second year of study are either research-oriented or professionally oriented. Often, graduate programmes are offered in cooperation with several institutions, allowing for a larger variety of courses.


  • International students enjoy the same benefits as local students in terms of tuition fees, health coverage and housing assistance.
  • Universities organize shows and hold conferences, seminars, parties and outdoor activities as part of their student integration policies.
  • Study options include full-time and part-time studies, with flexible class schedules.
  • Some universities also offer online study programmes. Every university has an internship referral system and a career services office that inform students of available internships and job opportunities.
  • The French government supports much of the costs of attending university in the country.
  • Simplified visa regulation and internationally recognized diplomas encourage international student enrolment.
  • State funded agencies promote French higher education in foreign countries.


Depending on your country of origin you might have to follow all or part of the steps below in order to apply to a French university:

EU Applicants:

  • Complete the university application. You may need to include photo identification.
  • Provide proof of a high school diploma.
  • Some colleges will require a written essay regarding your interest in the study.
  • Provide proof of English language proficiency.
  • You should also mention if you are planning on receiving financial aid from the collage.

Non-EU Applicants:

Non-EU students need to provide the following additional documents:

  • A copy of their passport as well as a photograph of passport size
  • Proof that you have a long-term study Visa.
  • A copy of your birth certificate is needed when you apply to a French university, as well as a certified translation showing the birthplace of both of your parents.
  • Proof of sufficient funds in order to cover your expenses while attending college.

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